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金鶯火力嚇人 可望蟬聯全壘打王
Sep 24th 2014, 04:26

ETtoday – 


前一場被洋基完封,金鶯25日的比賽不想再被壓著打,而且發揮長打能力,單場擊出3發全壘打,其中克魯茲(Nelson Cruz)揮出領先全聯盟的第40轟,幫助球隊以5比4擊敗對手。若克魯茲持續領先,美聯全壘打王將繼去年戴維斯(Chris Davis)之後,連兩年由金鶯隊強打拿下。


5局上克魯茲為首名打者,面對洋基先發投手麥卡錫(Brandon McCarthy)投出的93英哩(約150公里)速球,一棒掃向左外野,球剛好飛越全壘打牆,形成一發陽春砲,助金鶯領先局面擴大為5比1。克魯茲也因為這球,成為隊史第6位單季至少40轟的打者。


金鳥軍團24日的比賽共出現3轟,除了克魯茲以外,還有強森(Kelly Johnson)在2局上所揮的陽春砲,以及馬卡奇斯(Nick Markakis)4局上的兩分砲。金鶯先發投手席曼尼茲(Ubaldo Jimenez)投5局僅失2分,拿下本季第6勝(9敗)。洋基隊麥卡錫投5.1局挨11安掉5分,吞第15敗(10勝)。

Milwaukee Brewers' Scooter Gennett, right, is tagged out at home plate by Cincinnati Reds catcher Devin Mesoraco, left, in the first inning of a baseball game, Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014, in Cincinnati. ... 較多 
Milwaukee Brewers' Scooter Gennett, right, is tagged out at home plate by Cincinnati Reds catcher Devin Mesoraco, left, in the first inning of a baseball game, Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014, in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/David Kohl) 較少 
Milwaukee Brewers' Scooter Gennett, right, is tagged out at home plate by Cincinnati Reds catcher Devin Mesoraco, left, in the first inning of a baseball game, Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014, in Cincinnati. ... 較多 
Milwaukee Brewers' Scooter Gennett, right, is tagged out at home plate by Cincinnati Reds catcher Devin Mesoraco, left, in the first inning of a baseball game, Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014, in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/David Kohl) 較少 

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