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洋基隊長Jeter開轟 藍鳥再見失誤輸球
Sep 19th 2014, 05:01

NOWnews – 


洋基與藍鳥展開系列賽首戰,Derek Jeter扛出全壘打揭開序幕,最終洋基靠著對方再見失誤,以3比2險勝,美聯外卡暫居第5,與第2的運動家還有5場勝差。

Jeter在第6局面對藍鳥「老蝴蝶」R.A. Dickey,逮中一顆速球,擊出左外野方向的陽春全壘打,本季第4轟出爐,率軍以2比0領先,不過藍鳥Jose Bautista在8局回敬一支2分砲(本季第33轟),追平比數。

關鍵在9局下,洋基Chris Young一上場就從藍鳥投手Aaron Sanchez手中敲安,洋基決定換上代跑Antoan Richardson,並成功盜上2壘,接著打擊的Brett Gardner犧牲觸擊護送隊友至3壘,最後Chase Headley擊出滾地球,一壘手Adam Lind卻演出「火車過山洞」的致命失誤,讓Richardson跑回致勝分。

洋基先發投手Shane Greene此役表現出色,主投6.2局僅被敲3安,沒有丟分,不過牛棚投手Shawn Kelly後援挨了一轟,搞砸Greene勝投,最終勝投由守護神David Robertson拿下。




San Diego Padres shortstop Alexi Amarista gets the force out on Philadelphia Phillies' Domonic Brown during the fourth inning of a baseball game Thursday, Sept. 18, 2014, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Don ... 較多 
San Diego Padres shortstop Alexi Amarista gets the force out on Philadelphia Phillies' Domonic Brown during the fourth inning of a baseball game Thursday, Sept. 18, 2014, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Don Boomer) 較少 

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