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小熊輸海盜 和田毅失4分吞敗
Sep 13th 2014, 04:47

麗台運動報 – 



二局下,海盜隊展開攻勢,史都華(Chris Stewart )敲出右中外野方向的飛球,小熊隊二壘手瓦金斯(Logan Watkins)後退接球,但球進了手套又彈出來,紀錄組給了1支安打,帶有1分打點。

小熊隊在四局上半先靠著貝耶茲(Javier Baez)本季第8支全壘打追回1分,1比2落後,接著在五局上半艾爾坎塔拉(Arismendy Alcantara)也敲出一支飛上右外野第二層看台的陽春全壘打,雖然海盜隊提出質疑表示外野球迷疑似有干擾接球嫌疑,但經過重播輔助判決裁定是支貨真價實的全壘打,連續兩局擊出全壘打讓小熊隊追成2比3。

海盜隊此役的打擊火力綿延不絕讓和田無力招架,二局延續到六局,局局都有攻勢和得分,打完6局以6比3領先,先發投手寇爾(Gerrit Cole)主投6局失掉3分,接手的中繼投手群成功封鎖,海盜隊以7比3收下2連勝,寇爾拿下本季的第9勝。小熊隊苦吞7連敗,季後賽淘汰指數只剩4,搶搭季後賽列車機會渺茫。

Kansas City Royals' Josh Willingham scores from third on a single by teammate Salvador Perez as Detroit Tigers catcher Alex Avila waits on the throw during the fourth inning of a baseball game in ... 較多 
Kansas City Royals' Josh Willingham scores from third on a single by teammate Salvador Perez as Detroit Tigers catcher Alex Avila waits on the throw during the fourth inning of a baseball game in Detroit, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio) 較少 

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