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創造90年代洋基王朝 托瑞6號球衣退休
Aug 24th 2014, 04:30

ETtoday – 


洋基在90年代的王朝,當時總教練托瑞(Joe Torre)絕對功不可沒,洋基為表達感謝之意,在今天與白襪的賽前將他所穿背號6號球衣退休,洋基最終也以5:3擊敗白襪。


托瑞說:「感謝老闆史坦布瑞納(George Steinbrenner)給我如此多的機會,很幸運可以那麼多人共事,很感謝那麼多人與我一同走過那麼多時光。」

場邊當時共同參與王朝的基特(Derek Jeter),在一旁聽到托瑞的致辭,也不時摸摸鼻子和眼眶,可見托瑞與基特感情之深厚。

洋基主場迎戰白襪,黑田博樹6局失2分,加上貝爾川(Carlos Beltran)開轟,普拉多(Martin Prado)單場3安打2打點最終5:3擊敗白襪,洋基拿下3連勝,不過美聯東區依然落後給金鶯7場勝差,外卡則還有3.5場的差距。

Los Angeles Angels starting pitcher Hector Santiago throws to the Oakland Athletics during the first inning of a baseball game on Friday, Aug. 22, 2014, in Oakland, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose ... 較多 
Los Angeles Angels starting pitcher Hector Santiago throws to the Oakland Athletics during the first inning of a baseball game on Friday, Aug. 22, 2014, in Oakland, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) 較少 

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