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MLB萊斯特好投 紅襪橫掃皇家
Jul 21st 2014, 07:22

路透社 – 

(路透波士頓20日電)美國職棒大聯盟MLB萊斯特(Jon Lester)今天主投8局無失分,帶領波士頓紅襪6-0完封堪薩斯市皇家,在3連戰橫掃對手。


紅襪痛打皇家先發投手溫杜拉(Yordano Ventura),讓後者主投4又1/3局就丟掉本季最多的6分、被敲9支安打。溫杜拉也投出4次保送,沒有投出三振。中央社(翻譯)

Pittsburgh Pirates relief pitcher Mark Melancon delivers during the ninth inning of a baseball game against the Colorado Rockies in Pittsburgh Sunday, July 20, 2014. Melancon got the save in the 5-3 ... 較多 
Pittsburgh Pirates relief pitcher Mark Melancon delivers during the ninth inning of a baseball game against the Colorado Rockies in Pittsburgh Sunday, July 20, 2014. Melancon got the save in the 5-3 Pirates win. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar) 較少 

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