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藍鳥轟炸金鶯 柏利勇奪生涯200勝
Apr 11th 2015, 04:36

麗台運動報 – 

藍鳥11日客場出戰金鶯,先發投手柏利( Mark Buehrler)主投6局僅失2分,加上打線全場爆發出16支安打,最終12比5大勝。柏利也拿下生涯第200勝,成為史上第113位完成此殊榮的投手。


柏利也成為大聯盟史上第113位加入「200勝俱樂部」的投手。現役選手中除了伯利,只有巨人的哈德森(Tim Hudson)、洋基的沙胖(CC Sabathia)以及大都會的柯隆(Bartolo Colon)達到此項成就。

藍鳥打線大爆發,先發中僅恩卡納西翁(Edwin Encarnacion)沒有安打,前3場12打數皆無安打的巴蒂斯塔(Jose Bautista),此役3打數3安打,貢獻2分打點;三壘手唐納森(Josh Donaldson)2支安打賺進3分打點;納瓦羅(Dioner Navarro)也有1安打3打點進帳。

藍鳥首局就灌進4分,四局上再攻下大局,整整打了一輪棒次攻進5分,也讓金鶯先發投手諾里斯(Bud Norris)僅投3局,就被敲7支安打狂掉8分退場。藍鳥終場12比5獲勝。



Mark Buehrle( 圖/AP )Mark Buehrle( 圖/AP )
Los Angeles Dodgers Yimi Garcia throws against the Arizona Diamondbacks during the eighth inning of a MLB baseball game against the Arizona Diamondbacks, Friday, April 10, 2015, in Phoenix. (AP ... 較多 
Los Angeles Dodgers Yimi Garcia throws against the Arizona Diamondbacks during the eighth inning of a MLB baseball game against the Arizona Diamondbacks, Friday, April 10, 2015, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York) 較少 

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