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國民連3場向對手說再見 70勝到手
Aug 19th 2014, 06:01

麗台運動報 – 

連3場,國民神奇的向對手說「再見」!今天對戰響尾蛇,雖然被追平,進入延長賽到十一局下,拉若許(Adam LaRoche)轟出右外野再見全壘打,5:4獲勝,成為大聯盟第3支拿到70勝的球隊。

國民的攻勢集中在七、八局,各攻下2分,反以4:3超前,但是九局上,被響尾蛇的佩內塔(David Peralta)轟出陽春砲追平,九局下國民反攻不成,進入延長賽,雙方纏鬥到十一局下半,兩人出局,拉若許上場打擊,球數1好3壞,從後援投手哈里斯(Will Harris)手中轟出右外野再見全壘打,生涯第1支。

國民連3天都以「再見」贏球,前天靠捕手拉莫斯(Wilson Ramos)在九局下擊出再見二壘打,以4:3擊敗海盜;昨天也是戰到延長11局,靠赫斯頓(Scott Hairston)代打的高飛犧牲打,以6:5氣走海盜。

「他們(球員)不常做到,可以確定,」國民總教練威廉斯(Matt Williams) 賽後談到非常罕見連3場向對手說再見,「他們持續奮戰,這是所擁有偉大的特質,非常棒的特質-從不放棄。」


Minnesota Twins Trevor Plouffe watches the flight of his three-run home run off Kansas City Royals relief pitcher Aaron Crow during the ninth inning of a baseball game in Minneapolis, Monday, Aug. 18,... 較多 
Minnesota Twins Trevor Plouffe watches the flight of his three-run home run off Kansas City Royals relief pitcher Aaron Crow during the ninth inning of a baseball game in Minneapolis, Monday, Aug. 18, 2014. The Royals won 6-4. (AP Photo/Ann Heisenfelt) 較少 

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