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吉特搶風采 明星賽MVP不吃味
Jul 17th 2014, 01:44

路透社 – 


吉特(Derek Jeter)以2支2的表現,助MLB美國聯盟5比3力壓國家聯盟,也為生涯第14度參加的明星賽畫下完美句點。他4局上退場時,觀眾起立歡呼3分鐘,全場響起洋基隊歌「紐約,紐約」(New York, New York)樂聲,隊友一一給他熱情擁抱。

相較之下,以3打數2安打、2打點獲頒最有價值球員(MVP)的美聯外野手楚勞特(Mike Trout),鋒頭顯然被吉特蓋過,不過楚勞特發表得獎感言時表示,能和他的偶像之一同獲殊榮,「相當特別」。





American League shortstop Derek Jeter, of the New York Yankees, waves as he is taken out of the game in the top of the fourth inning of the MLB All-Star baseball game, Tuesday, July 15, 2014, in ... 較多 
American League shortstop Derek Jeter, of the New York Yankees, waves as he is taken out of the game in the top of the fourth inning of the MLB All-Star baseball game, Tuesday, July 15, 2014, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson) 較少 

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