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失4分 釀酒人考慮是否留阿中
May 1st 2014, 01:57

NOWnews – 



由於釀酒人隊先發投手Matt Garza 右手大姆指受傷,因此第4局保送紅雀隊Matt Carpenter之後,便換上22歲的王維中投球,當時釀酒人隊3比4落後,王維中一上場先讓Jon Jay敲出安打,2出局後,Allen Craig敲出二壘打,打回2分。

紅雀隊5局下Greg Garcia、Shelby Miller、Jon Jay連敲3支二壘打,再攻下2分,6局下則是Allen Craig轟出全壘打(本季第3轟)。由於釀酒人隊近來牛棚用的兇,因此教練團讓王維中投完3局,這是他大聯盟生涯投球局數最長的一戰,用70球、35球好球,球速最快94哩,被擊出6支安打包括1轟,失4分都是責失,三振、保送各2次,防禦率15。

而美媒jsonline.com的報導,釀酒人隊正在考慮是否要續留王維中,總教練Ron Roenicke 賽後說回到辛辛那提與總經理Doug Melvin討論之後,可能會作出一些決定。

Chicago Cubs' Nate Schierholtz gets a hit off Cincinnati Reds relief pitcher Sean Marshall to drive in two runs in the ninth inning of a baseball game on Wednesday, April 30, 2014, in Cincinnati. ... 較多 
Chicago Cubs' Nate Schierholtz gets a hit off Cincinnati Reds relief pitcher Sean Marshall to drive in two runs in the ninth inning of a baseball game on Wednesday, April 30, 2014, in Cincinnati. Schierholtz drove in three runs in the game won by Chicago 9-4. (AP Photo) 較少 

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