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巴寇茲強勢回歸 睽違3個月再奪10勝
Sep 11th 2013, 06:55

ETtoday – 


紅襪強投巴寇茲(Clay Buchholz)因傷勢影響,終於在相隔3個月後重新站上投手丘,在11日先發出戰光芒,靠著5局無失分的優異投球成績,終場紅襪就以2比0擊敗光芒,也順利拿下本季第10勝。

日前紅襪總教練法瑞爾(John Farrell)坦承對久未比賽的巴寇茲有些擔心,不確定他能否帶著季初的好表現歸隊,但今天他主投5局被敲3支安打無失分,且送出6次三振和1次保送,各種方面都顯示他的身體狀況良好。



此戰紅襪靠5局上高梅茲(Jonny Gomes)的1分打點安打,加上沙塔拉馬奇亞(Jarrod Saltalamacchia)的高飛犧牲打,單局吃下2分奠定勝基,而光芒全隊則是被紅襪投手連番壓制,全場4支安打沒有得分種下敗因。

光芒先發普萊斯(David Price)則是吞下優質先發敗,讓光芒在外卡的領先優勢只剩1.5場,隨時都有被超車的機會,而普萊斯對此說道,「大家不能老想著輸球,我們還有19場比賽要打,所以現在必須加把勁,否則我們將不會打進季後賽。」

PHILADELPHIA, PA -SEPTEMBER 10: Pitcher Andrew Cashner #34 of the San Diego Padres delivers a pitch against the Philadelphia Phillies in a MLB baseball game on September 10, 2013 at Citizens Bank Park... 較多 
PHILADELPHIA, PA -SEPTEMBER 10: Pitcher Andrew Cashner #34 of the San Diego Padres delivers a pitch against the Philadelphia Phillies in a MLB baseball game on September 10, 2013 at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Rich Schultz/Getty Images) 較少 

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