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首度守一壘 A-Rod感覺好新鮮
Mar 30th 2015, 00:59

NOWnews – 


洋基隊Alex Rodriguez台北時間30日熱身賽對太空人之戰,球員生涯首度守一壘,他覺得很有趣,此戰最後洋基7比0擊敗太空人。


此戰,A-Rod只守了3局,總教練Joe Girardi便將他換下場,A-Rod說「或許下次會讓我守5局」,守一壘的初體驗,A-Rod認為處理觸擊球應該是最大挑戰。

目前洋基教練團給A-Rod的定位是擔任指定打擊,至於是否會真的讓他改守一壘,Joe Girardi沒有明說,只表示什麼事情都有可能發生。

此戰,洋基隊先發投手Nathan Eovaldi投4.2局被擊出3支安打沒失分,三振5次、沒保送,搶走A-Rod三壘位置的Chase Headley擊出3支安打包括1支全壘打,有3分打點。



Alex Rodriguez(圖/Associated Press)Alex Rodriguez(圖/Associated Press)

Chicago Cubs shortstop Addison Russell can't make the catch on a wide throw as Kansas City Royals' Jarrod Dyson slides in safe with a stolen base in the third inning of a spring training baseball game... 較多 
Chicago Cubs shortstop Addison Russell can't make the catch on a wide throw as Kansas City Royals' Jarrod Dyson slides in safe with a stolen base in the third inning of a spring training baseball game Sunday, March 29, 2015, in Surprise, Ariz. Dyson advanced to third base. (AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi) 較少 

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