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史卓曼生涯首完封 藍鳥啄傷小熊
Sep 9th 2014, 04:30

麗台運動報 – 


碰上3連敗的小熊隊,藍鳥隊火力全開,全場敲出12支安打灌進8分,先發九人全員都有安打,其中主砲「包大人」包提斯塔(Jose Bautista)3支2,敲出本季第32號的全壘打,這支三分砲也讓藍鳥隊在五局打完就取得5比0的領先。

除了打擊火力成功串連,藍鳥隊的投手表現更為優異,先發投手史卓曼(Marcus Stroman)完投完封,整整9局完全封鎖小熊隊的打線,只被敲出3支安打,送出8次三振,更神的是沒有投出任何的保送,順利取得本季第10勝,其中光是在主場就拿下7勝,表現十分出色。



Cincinnati Reds center fielder Billy Hamilton, right, is tagged out by St. Louis Cardinals first baseman Matt Adams, left, after a ground ball in the fourth inning of a baseball game, Monday, Sept. 8,... 較多 
Cincinnati Reds center fielder Billy Hamilton, right, is tagged out by St. Louis Cardinals first baseman Matt Adams, left, after a ground ball in the fourth inning of a baseball game, Monday, Sept. 8, 2014, in Cincinnati. (AP Photo/David Kohl) 較少 

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