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田中毛病又犯 遭印地安人痛擊吞敗
Jul 9th 2014, 03:01

ETtoday – 




6局下風雲變色,曾待過洋基,近兩年效力印地安人隊的史威許(Nick Swisher),在壘上有一名跑者的情況下,相中田中失投的滑球,一棒掃出右外野大牆,形成兩分打點全壘打,印地安人從落後變超前,讓田中整個變臉。7局下布蘭特利(Michael Brantley)也來一發陽春彈,神之子臉都綠了。

兩出局後被桑塔納(Carlos Santana)擊出安打,田中無奈被換下場,打線也沒有火力支援,最後吞敗作收。總計田中6.2局用99球,其中有64球是好球,被擊出多達10支安打,包括2發全壘打,所失5分都是自責分,另送出5次三振與1次保送,防禦率大幅上升至2.51。

至於印地安人先發投手包爾(Trevor Bauer)原為響尾蛇隊超級新星,表現不理想去年轉至克里夫蘭,這場比賽強壓田中,投7局僅被擊出4支安打失3分,2分是自責分,送出6次三振與2次保送,拿下本季第3勝(4敗)。

Minnesota Twins second baseman Brian Dozier, right, tags Seattle Mariners' James Jones out as Robinson Cano grounds out into a double play during the eighth inning of a baseball game on Tuesday, July ... 較多 
Minnesota Twins second baseman Brian Dozier, right, tags Seattle Mariners' James Jones out as Robinson Cano grounds out into a double play during the eighth inning of a baseball game on Tuesday, July 8, 2014, in Seattle. (AP Photo/John Froschauer) 較少 

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