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棄打從投 37歲大聯盟首次先發
Jul 29th 2014, 04:56

NOWnews – 

(圖片 / Associated Press)(圖片 / Associated Press)記者張耀中/綜合報導

到了37歲有很多球員都已經在考慮退休,Jason Lane才正要展開他棒球生涯的新章節,經過棄打從投重新在小聯盟磨練之後,29日獻出大聯盟首次先發。

今天(29日)教士0比2輸給勇士,勇士Ervin Santana主投8局無失分,狂飆11K帶領球隊獲勝,不過大家更關心另一隊的先發投手。


今天Lane完成生涯大聯盟的首次先發,主投6局被敲出6支安打,只因為Evan Gattis的陽春砲失掉1分,最終承擔敗投,「那個失投有點讓我沮喪,在這裡不容許一丁點的失誤。」



Boston Red Sox starting pitcher Clay Buchholz watches as Toronto Blue Jays' Melky Cabrera connects on a two-run, home run during the first inning of a baseball game at Fenway Park in Boston, Monday, ... 較多 
Boston Red Sox starting pitcher Clay Buchholz watches as Toronto Blue Jays' Melky Cabrera connects on a two-run, home run during the first inning of a baseball game at Fenway Park in Boston, Monday, July 28, 2014. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) 較少 

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